Content and Marketing Workflow Solutions

When a client sees a search term in Google, and it matches what they are looking for, the next action for them is to find the token that leads them to the answer they are looking for. Your page.
Simple Workflow Example:
a) The page they land on after searching for “Businesses for sale, Charlotte” leads them to a page that asks for their name and email in a form, in exchange for a list of businesses for sale in their area.
b) They fill out the form and it sends the list and another specific offer that would interest them within that email. If they click the offer, they opt in to receiving a list that sends them information on new businesses for sale as they come up.
c) Several days later, the next communication could be an email that offers a whitepaper describing the top five things to look for when buying a business.
This example shows the process of nurturing a client to the point of sale or through the sales process. As this nurturing happens, they build a relationship with your business through the content you provide.

Number of Leads from Specific Campaigns

In a snapshot, it’s very helpful to have a pie chart or graph that shows the success of each campaign your company is administering. With this information the decision maker can:

  • Look at the most successful campaigns and apply more resources to it
  • If a campaign is not producing, it will show in comparison to the others runningv
  • A business may be prompted to analyze further why that campaign is not performing stronger
  • There may be elements missing that the other successful campaigns have that can be applied
  • It may also give insight into number of leads vs the quality of those and how well they convert

Campaign Insites Such as Cost Per Lead and Per Campaign

It would be great if we could determine the cost of leads for each campaign. This would give us control over spending in areas where cost/quality of leads do not meet our requirements to continue. Good news! Your Insights section of your dashboard will tell you just that.

  • How much and how effective are the leads coming from search?
  • What if a visitor becomes a lead from a simple YouTube video created? Then you could place that video in the right location on your site and when they view it, they become a high level lead?
  • What if your budget is tight, but the CEO of your company insists on pursuing an expensive campaign activity that is not producing? You would be able to prove the ineffectiveness and then cut it

Insights like these can save thousands of dollars and many valuable hours of time.

Lead Scoring: Wisely Spend Time with Potential Customers

What if you could develop a scoring system, based on a potential customer’s actions and clicks on your site and their commitment to your product? Or if they clicked an off-site URL that boasted about your product…
Knowing when it’s too soon to call, and knowing when to call to have a serious conversation with a lead is extremely important.
With lead scoring you can assign points to the most important elements of the buying cycle.
For example:

  • Three points for filling out a form on a landing page
  • Fifteen points for a request for a demo of your product or service
  • Ten points for buying an e-book from your site
  • Etc.
When the potential customer gets up above fifty points, you know that they have been well educated about your product or service, mainly with an automated workflow. Which effectively doubles or triples your sales close rate.

Timeline of Potential Customer Engagement

Again, knowing how your potential client is engaging in your company’s content, how long it’s taking them with the process, and how deeply they are studying your company, tells a lot about what the next action should be that might serve them best. Making sure you’re delivering the right content or phone call at the appropriate time.
Potential customers respect this attention to detail and their level of interest. The more they engage, the more you can tailor the next best content for them.

  • People that are high in the funnel are not going to necessarily give you the world. But they would probably want the next step
  • People in the middle of the funnel are ready to make more committed actions. They may even pay for a piece of your expert content
  • vIf they are at the bottom of the funnel, hopefully you’ll know and you’ll start to develop a long term business relationship that turns into referrals from them to others needing your product or service

Download the Digital Marketing Questionnaire to better understand where you should invest your time and money in a campaign.
